Pink Team 6323 (FTC)
Inaugural season: 2012
Team 6323 began in 2012 and as of 2022 is the only NASA-sponsored FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) team.
Made up of students from several Space Coast schools, 6323 gives students a quality introduction to robotics and prepares them to compete at the High School level of the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Team.
The Robot
Every season, students under the age of 14 have the opportunity to design, build, and program a robot from scratch with guidance from a team of mentors. Robots must be less than 42 lbs, and must be able to complete a set of tasks at competitions. The FTC season begins in September and concludes at the FIRST Championship in April.
The Pink Team 6323 has seen many success in the past 10 years, including many state and regional first-place finishes.